Sloan’s contribution is…in her selection of just the right material to create a compelling mosaic of Sephardic life….The four heroes she chooses to profile—Isaac Abarbanel, Abraham Zacuto, Luís de Santángel and Gracia Nasi—are inspiring examples of talented individuals whose efforts helped insure the survival in exile of Iberian Jewish culture.
David M. Gitlitz PhD
Author, Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of the Crypto-Jews and A Drizzle of Honey
the Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal and the enduring
legacy of the Sephardic history
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Dolores Sloan is a vibrant and insightful speaker, who believes that history is best understood through the experiences of those who lived it > read more
About the Author
In 1996, Sloan traveled through Spain and Portugal for five weeks, by train, bus and by foot, always looking for the footprints left by the remarkable Jews who had created a golden age of learning and discovery > read more