
Media Coverage and Reviews (Selected)

December 11, 2009

For the World Trav­el­er: The Ninth Night of Hanukkah! A Sephardic Cel­e­bra­tion (Los Angeles)”
by Beth Schwartzapfel, The For­ward

October 11–12, 2009

Jew­ish jour­ney in Spain led author to write a history”
by Dolores Sloan, San Diego Jew­ish World

Fall 2009

Libros Nuevos”
by Andrew Lova­to, La Heren­cia

July 19, 2009

Judaism’s strug­gle, in Old World and New: Sephardim served as advis­ers to kings, all the while flee­ing per­se­cu­tion around the Iber­ian peninsula”
by David Stein­berg, The Albu­querque Journal

July 13, 2009

A Won­der­ful life: Keep­ing her ances­try alive”
by Ana Pacheco, San­ta Fe New Mex­i­can

July 1, 2009

Luís de San­tán­gel: El Kon­ver­so en el Servi­sio del Rey i de la Desku­vier­ta del Mun­do Muevo,” 
Adap­ta­do de “The Sephardic Jews of Spain and Por­tu­gal” por Dolores Sloan
by Gad Nassi
El Amanas­er, Istan­bul (in Ladino)

Summer 2009

Dolores Sloan. The Sephardic Jews of Spain and Por­tu­gal: Sur­vival of an Imper­iled Cul­ture in the Fif­teenth and Six­teenth Centuries”
by Ron Dun­can-Hart, HaLapid

Summer 2009

Homage to a Resource­ful and Resilient People”
by Dolores Sloan, Kulanu

April 18, 2009

Telling the sto­ry of Sephardic Por­tuguese and Span­ish Jews”
Ama­zon review by Maria Vic­tor Smith